Thursday, November 29, 2007

A day of celebration

Good morning to all!
I am very proud to announce I reached the 50 thousand word goal for the contest I entered called the National Novel Writer's Month or "NaNoWriMo". For me, this is a wonderful, glorious uplifting of my spirits. In 1995, I decided I would put my writing career on hold. Somebody should have slapped me upside the head and told me to get back to work and quit crying over the failures! Had I stuck to it, chances are I would have become published and perhaps doing well as an author.
They say hindsight is 20/20 and if I knew back then what I know now, I would never have stopped trying.
Thanks to the Internet, I have found new friends who are writers who share the same dejected feelings and woes as I do. Whose lives are constantly interrupted but they keep their focus on what they love to do, and that is write. Everyday there are instances and situations that pop up a person can benefit from, each day is a learning experience, whether it is bad or good. You should gain strength from these ordeals and just try to stay in the boundaries which keep a person sane.
I have involved myself in writer's groups which I would have otherwise not been able to do because of my crazy work schedule and life's generalities. I have created blogs (such as this one) in which I can talk about things I cannot talk about if I were to carry on a verbal conversation simply because I don't think I can sometimes get the point across. There are online magazines and writer's schools and contests to enter as well as those done on paper. I have the support from all of these wonderful people with a special thanks to Mary Rosenblum, my instructor from Long Ridge Writer's Group. She picked my story apart but also praised me and gave me encouragement with her kind words and stern editing.
I still have a long way to go, still got to publish that first novel, short story or poem. By the way I have found that I do like to write poetry, huh whoda thunk? This contest has shown me that I do have what it takes as well and even though the novel has some major editing to go through on all levels it will get finished and I will get it published. But after December 1 it will be all about working on "Savant". I even set the finish date for the end of May, instead of August, because I want to start setting up for the next novel in next year's 2008 NaNo as the sequel to "Savant". I already have the title; "Indigo Child" and a rough idea what the story will be about.
Well, I have other places to go and continue on with the contest, it will not be finfished until 11:59:59 on November 30. The more I get wrote down the better it will be!

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