Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why The Fuss?

Big Bang Theroy or Let There Be LIght?

Which of the two do you think happened?

Since I tend to think on both sides, I agree with both. I think that when God said "Let there be light", all at once gasses formed and a huge explosion occured. The whole Universe as we know it came into existence in this manner. Just because The Bible does not go into scientific detail as to how the Cosmos came to be does not constiute or dismiss the idea of a Big Bang, or evolution. Rational thinkig would suggest science played a large part in God's making of the Universe, but people have died, fought and debated this issue from standing one side or the other, never just looked at it on neutral ground. How stupid are we to think it is one way or the other? Who do you think put that idea in Scholar's and Thinker's heads? Not God.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Growing up in a Christian home, when I was about 10 or 12 maybe, I remember coming home from a science class in the Christian school I went to. We had just learned about the Big Bang theory. My young skeptical mind was eager to inform my dad about the “nonsense” that those non-Christians believed. I remember, saying in my best haughty superior Christian voice, “You’ll never believe what we learned today…hardy har har…”

I’ll never forget my dad’s response. “Well doesn’t that sound a lot like what the Bible says?” I was dubious. He went on, “the Big Bang implies something from nothing, which is exactly what the Bible teaches.” An engineer with a scientific bent, he had always been interested in researching issues of origins.

After researching Evolution, I don’t believe that science and religion have to be at odds with each other. I believe that God gave us rational minds and a lot of evidence to suggest Evolution. Too many Christians see science as a “threat” to God, when in fact He is behind it all.

Check out my blog for funny stories from what I believe is the prime evidence for Evolution, our response to stress.

Brooke S. Musterman