Friday, October 12, 2007

October 11, 2007

It's the end of another long day, but alas, I'll have to do it all again tomorrow. For the last two days, my co-workers and I have busted our asses painting, cleaning, washing, and scrubbing for the big audit. Our boss was told the auditos were looking in every nook and cranny, so that's what we cleaned, painted and scrubbed. We did all wo could do the waited. And waited, then cleaned some more. More cobwebs were found, a bucket of used oil found emitting an obnoxious odor (triggering the gag reflex). God knows how long it sat in wherever it was found. Then we waited again. Just when I thought the boss would have to be hog-tied and fed valium, the phone rang. The caller told me to tell the boss he could chill out, the auditors were heading to another plant. I said I would but that right now, he was yelling at some driver who just washed off a trailer of chicken parts onto the ground, but I would more than happy to relay the message.
In a way, I felt cheated out of that audit, glad we were passed over. I'd like to say that our little waste water treatment plant is not pristine, it looks better than it did. I give it a week before it's trashed again.

1 comment:

crazysis said...

I would not have felt cheated out of it, I'd of be a whooping and hollering and praising God for them going else where and when the phone call came in, I'd of marched out there right after the call with a smile on my face with him yelling or not and would have told him, they snubbed their noses at him cause he stinks , and I'd walk off.....lmao!!! but that is ME!!!! love ya connie
oh yeah, I have an excuse for my misspellings....its,an,na,an,na,na,an,na,na....lmao!!!! love ya!!!!