Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Week in Review

Today 9-11, is a day of remembrance; a day to give pause and reflect. This day in September is a day we should never forget. Where were you when you heard about the attack on our country? I was watching the whole thing unfold. The horror I felt when I watched the plane crash into the second tower, the overwhelming sadness as the skies fell silent; the mountain of grief when the towers collapsed. The days that followed were numbing, I stayed glued to the television it seemed, hoping for survivors. I cried and cheered for the brave souls who overtook the plane in Pennsylvania. This is a day to remind us just how venerable we are and still are. We are not safe anymore. This was one time in our recent history where everyone in the world came together. Too bad it took such a terrible incident as an attack for us to do so.

This past week has been a busy one for me. I've got my classes for The Muse Online Writer's Conference in October and from the looks of it, I'll be burning the candle on both ends! This is my fourth year in attendance and I will also be moderating this year, an honor to volunteer for such a great event.

Labor day weekend was a relaxing time for me. Just to get away and be able to have some much needed R&R where I could work on my book without interruption was great medicine indeed. Well, maybe I'll let the butterfly have a look and see what he says.....

It is my hope that this week you are happy and at peace with yourself. Satisfied with all that you do and loving your life.

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