Hello there! I have tried something new. I don't know if it is going to work, but instead of having to cut, copy or paste from the myspace page when I post a blog (sometimes I do that) here. I would appreciate it if I got a little feedback on this. Would you rather I set up the link, or view the post from here? I suppose, I should make sure this works huh?
I tested the link, it works. I know there are those of you who do not like myspace. If you want to check it out, you will have to sign up. So I have decided to do an edited version. Anything to get someone to read my blog!
Pouring rain, outside my window, all in all I know, it's gettin' better everyday. Soon the sun will shine through my window....
I don't know if that's word for word in Telsa's song Gettin' Better or not, but that's how I feel it best describes the way things are going weather wise. Right now however, I'm hoping we don't have a power outage, the lights keep flickering. I am not a fan of storms.
Anyone who knows me personally, know I have a love/hate relationship with weather. Read, A Wild Ride in my past blog postings. I love the weather channel. It's informative and knowlege is power so "they" say. I agree. I love watching the clouds build, huge "thunderheads", billowing thousands of feet into the atmosphere, the sun setting on them, all that poetic stuff.
I think it's cool to watch them at night, when they are far away from me and have no intentions of coming in my direction. I do not, do not, enjoy being in the midst of one. Especially at work. It sucks.
But that's not what I intend to write about this morning.
Back to the song, Gettin' Better. It also is how I try to handle my life and the situation/issues thrown at it. For over twenty years, I've used this philosophy to guide me through a lot of bad times. And I just wanted to thank the writer(s). Without the gift of words and emotions, there would be no music, art, poetry or books. Thanks Tesla for allowing me the pleasure to keep this song in my pocket.
*sniff*, yeah, I mean it, no mushiness here.
My husband and I are working on a solution to a delimea.
You see, we have tickets to meet Tesla personally. Everytime I think about it, I get light headed. It's...it's a rush of adreneline, it's, OH MY GOD! If I were a teenager, I'd be screaming, jumping up and down, all that fun stuff. I'd probably have posters of Tesla up on my wall in my room. *looking around the study/office* Er, uh, well just one of a nut buster. Oh, and the one that came with the DVD.

While I am doing all of those things in my head, I'm gonna be cool and be me.
No, I'm married to a musican, I've met some famous people before, Brad Gillis of Night Ranger and Mitch Ryder. Alan and I even got to hang out with them too, which was way cool.
But, this is Tesla! My favorite band in the whole wide world! Ozzy, by the way, is my favorite solo artist. these are the people who I want to meet, it's listed in my profile as such. To the problem....
At first, I arugued with myself, we could use the money spent for the VIPs, on things we need. Who couldn't?
This is going to probably be a once in a lifetime ordeal for us. It's one of Alan's favorite bands too. Long story short, we have the tickets, not in hand, but on reserve.
We have ran into a snag of financial means. I don't feel that I need to explain the root of the problem, but it could mean having to refund our VIP passes! We would still go to the concert, but, shit man! If we do, I will just absolutely cry. I will be so very blue. But, because I carry Gettin' Better in my heart, it will be okay if it comes to pass. Maybe the next time.
Onto writing, I did a restructuring of sorts on Savant, the novel I am working on. It's possible I may do to another one. I need to either make the main character, an FBI agent, a male or female. I want the MC to like cats, and to have a couple of them. I have two. I want my character to have a motorcycle. We own one and so I know what it feels like to be on one. It's an outlet of the MC. I had one of my crits say that with the mixed emotions and kitties he couldn't find the character believeable. He was right. I read it agin, but this time in the MCs point of view.
He is expierencing a death, trying to catch a serial killer, should a tough nosed investigator not have these feelings? He should, I think, maybe, hell, I don't know. Is it too cliche-ish? What if I made the MC a female? Steroetype? A woman trying to still make it in a "man's world", a cop, no less. Would belivablity of emotions and the struggle to land a top notch position on the FBI ladder make it a stronger plot if she was a female? Hummm....
The Muse Online Writer's Conference is getting close, less than a month away now. I have many things to read about, and yes, homework. It will sharpen my writing skills, and there ain't a thang wrong wid dat! That means, I'm outta here!
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