Saturday, October 27, 2007

Not another day at the office

For those of you who do not know me, I work in what is called a pre-treatment facility. This is where the wastewater from the polutry processing plant (no not human waste!) is sent, the pre-treatment facility processes the water to compliance standards and, we send it to the city wastewater plant and they in turn, send it to a "dry creek".
Anyway, I work in this pre-treatment place, which is know simply as "wastewater". There are thousands of gallons of water coursing through 10-12" piping, there are machines whirring, air compressors chuging and sludge in the making. We use a polymere type of chemical to treat all those thousands of gallons of water. This polymere comes in a powder form and mixed with water becomes very slippery..........
Now you may have figured out by now, (if you have read it this far) what has happened. If you have or if you haven't it doesn't matter, I'm telling it anyway...............
There are many hazards in a watertreatment plant, and one has to be extremely careful. I go to great lenghts to be a safety-conscious person.
I do not like Pain, it hurts.
I roll up hoses, pick up crap a person can trip over, make sure my shoes do not have water on the bottom of them when I get around this dry polymer.
It can get slick.
Maintainence and major housekeeping projects abound on the weekends. This weekend I decided I would paint some walls. The bathroom, it also needed a makeover. So on I go, paintin' away, la-tee-da-la-tee-da. The day is going well, not a breakneck speed like during the week; the typical day at my office.
I thought I had forgot to turn off a pump, I'm in the bathroom painting away. La-tee-da, la-tee-da, off I go, paint roller in hand. The floors have two fresh coats of paint all nice and dry and shiny.
The shoes I have on are slip/skid resistant. No, they are not.
Between the water standing in the bathroom from a leaking pipe and what seems to have somehow magically adhered itself to the soles of my slip/skid resistant shoes is, you guessed it, dry powder polymer.
Up comes a smooth spot in the floor, down I go.

Here are somethings I get reminded of when this happens:

Fact #1 Large women do not do the splits.
Fact #2 Large women are not particulary attractive rolling around the floor.
Fact #3 Large women tend to grunt when they land
Fact #4 Large women have to use all available means in order to pick herself off the floor

The paint roller? It bounced away, leaving nice white splotches upon the newly painted floor.

Fact #5 Large women grunt when they have to bend over to wipe up the mess they made.

It could have been worse, but nobody sees me wallow around on the floor, priceless!

1 comment:

LadyByrdbell said...

Oh my! I'm going to hope this was meant to be funny because if it isn't - I'm in BIG trouble!! Laughing so damn hard, I can't see or breath!
I could totally picture that..and then because we grew up together - I started getting flashbacks...and then my old mind started doing the "what it"...and instantly moved toward the picture of you one day a week walking down the driveway in the ice and snow, carrying a full honey bucket....and falling! I'm laughing and gagging!
Signed -
One of your warped old friends...yes, FRIEND!