Summer eveming sky
I don't know what happened to our usual hot, muggy summer days and nights, but it's fall around here!
The past few weeks have been unseasonably cool, which is nice for me. I like hot summer nights, but that humidity is one nasty mutha! If it would only melt fat....
In addition to the weird weather, the past few months sped past me! It's been awhile, since May that I posted anything on this blog, May! What have I been doing? Working, working, working. Well, not all the time, but considerably more than what I was used to with the previous job. Special tests and audits, plus a non-stop work schedule during the course of the day makes time fly. While we rejoice when it's time to go home, in the same breath I wish for another hour in order to get the things done that need to be completed. This lab job works my brain! While there is nothing wrong with that, speed is of the esscence, you know that saying, "haste makes waste"? It is the absolute truth folks. I find that if I take my time to do things correctly, I fall behind schedule, so I speed up. This of course leads to mistakes, and that pisses me off. I tell myself I will eventually get the hang of things, that I am still learing this. I wished I had it all learned and able to keep up with my lab partner. She's done this job for twenty-five plus years and flies through it with her eyes closed! She assures me I am doing a great job. She hasn't yelled at me yet, and I know there were a few times she probably wanted to. If I were her I would have. Although this is no excuse, but there are many distractions, many detours taken, and once again, especially with the computer work, I have fallen far behind. It doesn't take but a couple of minutes for that to happen and my fingers simply do not fly that fast!
I'm getting the hang of it though. I love being a lab rat and it will take time, I just have to be patient and not let frustration set in.
When I am not working, I have made special effort to finish my novel Savant, it's getting close! I hope to have it finished before October, before the annual writer's conference. I let a co-worker read some of it, (written in long hand, I take a notebook with me to work and use my lunch break to write) and she liked it. I told her thaat was crap writing, stuff off the top of my head and to only take in the feeling of the scene. It creeped her out and she wants to read more. This lady reads so much, her locker is stuffed with books, she also reads in the genre I write in, so this gives me encouragement.
There is another co-worker who has decided he wants to write a book. Congratulations! I tell him. Let's hear the idea. I feel a tingling on the back of my neck, I have a story idea that could work with his and so I decided to work with the kid. I tell him give me something in writing, let's see what you got.
I give him some suggestions and tell him to think hard about what he wants from this. He will be the one to do most of the writing on the first of the trilogy. Yes, a trilogy. The idea is terrific and I hope he is serious. If not, I may have to run with it myself.
I look forward to Autumn, wood smoke,chili,Halloween, and frosty mornings (which means remembering to warm the car up first).