It's getting to the wire, five days left and my world becomes a little crazier for the next month!
Fiftythousand words, thirty days. Look out NaNo, here I come!
I have a new blogsite called Writer Potpourri. It is strickly about writing and the craft, books I read, my opinion of them will also be posted there. I plan to have other writers come and talk about their projects, and I will post comments about websites I find. This is exciting for me, because as I get deeper into writing, the better my chances are of getting my material published. It also helps me to hone my writing skills, and keep intuned to the writing world.
However, I am seriously considering self publishing my novel "Savant", in the hopes it will catch a publisher's (or agent) eye. These days it gets harder to become published and noticed. There are many writers who want the brass ring, and competition is tough. Publlishing houses don't take risks on new writers, and I could spend years looking for someone to have enough faith in me, and my material. With our nation's economy on the downslide, it's understandable they (the publidhing houses) would do a little eggshell walking. More and more writers are turning to self-publication for the same reason I do. That doesn't mean I quit sending queries, that's part of the process. I would probably spend nearly every waking hour writing if I could, but the butt would get really numb, the house would get dirtier than it already is, and the animals would starve, so it's just as well I don't.