This year marks the 30th year since I graduated. It sure doesn't seem like it's been so long ago, but reality check says it has. What have I done with all of that time? If I had to do it all over again would I? You bet I would, in a heartbeat!
There are many things I would do, like not get married the first two times. Never tried cigarettes. Spent more time listening to my folks, maybe even co-wrote something with my dad. Finished college. Kept writing. Exercised. Never refinanced my house( it would be paid for now)! Those are just the major changes. I would have really liked the chance to change some of the paths I chose. Yes, there are regrets. If you hear someone say they wouldn't change a thing, they are lying through their teeth! There is always something, even if it was a minor incident.
Even though I am a bit more savvy about things I learned through my chosen path, I know I can (and have) benefit from those learning experiences. Yeah, sometimes it takes more than one mistake to fully get the meaning, well, for me it has. I wouldn't have to go far to have someone back up that statement. And no, I will not go there!
Some of the positive things from the past 30 years do include the fact I'm still with the same job for over 20 years, not doing the same thing, but nevertheless I'm still there. I have my own house and a couple of decent vehicles. I have beautiful nieces and nephews and two handsome great-nephews. I have had many great friends; some have passed on, others moved on, one or two are still around and I enjoy making new ones. I have reconnected with a "long lost" cousin and a good friend from when my family lived in Nome, Alaska. Even though our family split like brittle kindling when my dad died, we were never too far apart and are now beginning to come back together. I have a pretty cool marriage, it's the third one, but it was meant to turn out that way. He tells me I wouldn't have liked him very much when he was younger, maybe, maybe not. That one can go both ways.
I still make mistakes. I'm pretty sure there will be more. I pray though I have enough sense in my head to not make so many.
To those who graduated this year, congratulations! You have many possibilities that await you. Stick with your dreams. Listen to your folks occasionally, they know what they are talking about when it comes to life's experiences, they were young once. Be wary, be smart; pay attention to the things around you. What's that saying? Trust few, harm none? Be compassionate, but don't let people take advantage of that. Give glory to your God, pray for all humanity.
Now, I have to go. I have a friend whose little girl is getting to see what her kindergarten room is going to look like. She just graduated from pre-school. My great-nephew will go next year, he's only four.

My Senior picture 1978
My g-nephew, "T", and me 2006
Kindergarten Queen 2009